Call for papers: Marketing & Membership Conference

October 16, 2008

Just a quick note to let you know that the call for papers just opened for ASAE’s Marketing & Membership Conference. As chair of ASAE’s Membership Section Council, I command you to submit a proposal. Tagged: Association Management; Associations; CAE; Certified Association Executive

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DMAW schedule update

October 15, 2008

My session at DMAW tomorrow has been moved to 2:45 p.m. to accommodate another speaking engagement that I have tomorrow. 2:45 p.m. in the Statler B Room: That’s where you can make some money. Tagged: Association Management; Associations; CAE; Certified Association Executive

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Just leave a comment and you’re blogging! Experimental: Comments-o-matic

October 15, 2008

I made this: comments-o-matic blog Originally uploaded by bkmcae Here’s something new that maybe you’ll find useful. I know I do, because I made it. Introducing associations comments-o-matic (aka c-o-m), a blog (and accompanying RSS feed) that compiles comments made all around the association blogging community into a single spot on the web. It’s still […]

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Leadership in social media. It’s more than just being first.

October 14, 2008

I agree with Lindy. All associations should invest in social media. Here’s why (get comfy, it’s kind of a long story). I’ve recently become aware of a pretty sizable association that has decided to hire a social media staff position. So far, so good: Right? The trouble is, this association has a not insignificant segment […]

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TweetBeep falls somewhere between useful and annoying

October 13, 2008

Here’s a service that will search Twitter and e-mail alerts to you. Pretty cool for getting alerts on tweets about your company or conference when you’re out and about. Since only sends alerts by RSS, this gives TweetBeep a slight edge on urgent delivery. TweetBeep also (and this is VERY cool) follows all of […]

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See me in DC this Thursday for some social media marketing mayhem

October 12, 2008

Scott Oser has put together a lineup for DMAW’s Sixth Annual Association Day that can only be described as social media marketing mayhem. There’s still time to register for Thursday’s event at the Capital Hilton. At 9:45 a.m. I’ll be presenting a session called Conference versus Unconference that I swear will be more interesting than […]

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If you build it, they will come Vs. If I don’t build it, what will they come to?

October 10, 2008

I got this question from a friend a few days ago… Any suggestions about where to find info about external social networking started by members VS. by staff? I think you set up a facebook page for your members, right? Are you the administrator or members? Seems like if it’s not allowed to be organic […]

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Coming soon to an association conference near you

October 9, 2008

I have it from a reliable source that the one person association executives need to hear from more than anyone else in the world right now will be speaking at an upcoming association-related conference. I’m not saying who it is or which conference it is, but watch for an announcement soon. I’ll update here as […]

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Book review: Designing Your Future: Key Trends, Challenges, and Choices Facing Association and Nonprofit Leaders

October 7, 2008

ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership’s latest environmental scan was released last month at their annual meeting. This installment of ASAE’s environmental scanning process (new scans are released every three years or so), entitled Designing Your Future (DYF) was conducted by Fast Future, led by Rohit Talwar, a leading futurist. How does it compare […]

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Clever programming for "Always display images" and a poor man’s hack

October 2, 2008

Eventful Programming Originally uploaded by bkmcae I’m not a heavy Eventful user, but I have an account and recently opened an e-mail from them to add my location. As usual, when I opened this message in GMail, it automatically suppressed the images. Automatic image suppression is a privacy measure, intended to keep spammers from knowing […]

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